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Find Me Elsewhere

A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Neocities Profile - Like this page? Feel free to go give me a follow!
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Business Website - Interested in my artwork? Check out my business site!
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Twitter - I am most active here! For general purpose posting and artwork.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Twitch - I occasionally vtube art and gaming over on my channel!
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. YouTube - Currently between rebrands, I focus on furry fandom and art content!
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Instagram - Low activity, but I crosspost artwork and other creative projects here.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Tumblr - Casual posting and personal-focused blog.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Neopets - Low activity. Feel free to Neofriend me!
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. World of Warcraft - My content main.

Tools & Resources

A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Ditherer - A program that dithers images for you with multiple filters to choose from.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Gifcities - An archive full of oldweb gifs.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Cameron's World - A website full of oldweb graphics saved from old Geocities sites.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Divtable - A simple and effective browser tool to quickly create table HTML.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. W3Schools - Learn to code!
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. iMood - Mood indicator for your websites.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. - Time script for your websites with a choice of multiple time zones.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Glowtxt - A text generation website with multiple options, fonts, and animations.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Sadgrl Online's Tiling Backgrounds - 100+ Geocities-styled tiling backgrounds of varying colors.

Fun & Fascinating

A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Ted's Caving Page - Angelfire website featuring one of the earliest examples of creepypasta.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Doombuggies - Fan archive for Disney's The Haunted Mansion - I loved this site as a child!
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Roller Coaster Database - What it says on the tin.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Roadside America - A website documenting weird roadside attractions.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Furtrack - A fursuit photo-sharing website that allows users to organize pictures through its tagging system.
A yellow star-shaped organizational bullet point. Fading Memories - A YouTube channel focused on archiving old user-created spaces on the long-running furry MMO, Furcadia.